Pardon me if I repeat myself. I made the mistake of flipping channels and staying on FOX news for more than the 2 seconds it deserves, and that's being generous.
IBM is joining a long list of companies that is doing away with pensions. Of course good old dubya is still dreaming of privatizing social security, throwing millions into unforeseen problems.
ANYWAY... to make a long story short, the anchor's quote was something along the lines of "IBM is doing away with pensions, essentially telling people they are responsible for setting up their own retirement".
I suppose you could look at it that way....OR... realize that pensions are from a time when a company rewarded you for your years of service. That's why you had to work for a long time in order to be fully vested. You see, once upon a time a company...say it with me now.. offered COMPENSATION for the time you gave to them. Now they expect it from you. Hence the upside down crazy setup we now live in.
I would expound, but methinks the wife is home from work!
Happy holidays, y'all!