Our new mission. To have fun with old ads, and look at America in years past.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Applied Communications -- Uhh Sort Of
--a follow up--
Max has provided two links for those interested in checking out his stuff! He's got a pretty unique sound and they're worth checking out!
Try let's make my bed
operation:load up on pussy

Am I full of shit or not? You decide!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Madden 06 for the PSP.

Here is some information I just pulled from Nomadgamer. Apparantly EA doesn't want to let people pass along pretty important information. If you have Madden for the psp and it doesn't work, read the following closely.

If you are serious about your EA issues you need to contact NFL Licensing:

(212) 450-2000

or snailmail them at:

National Football League - Licensing
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

This is where we have leverage - after all, EA has sold us the game, so they don't care a whole lot about fixing it (obviously). But the NFL has some very strict licensing agreements, and sub-par work is always something they watch for.

FYI, I called the NFL office and spoke to Jonathan Zimmer, he asked that all complaints be emailed to him at jonathan.zimmer@nfl.com, he will collect these and present them to the NFL's licensing department.

again, that's courtesy of Nomadgamer.com