Our new mission. To have fun with old ads, and look at America in years past.


Thursday, July 01, 2004

The Capitalism of Soccer - Why Europe's favorite sport is more American than baseball. By Daniel?Gross

What an outstanding article this is. If you follow American sports, I recommend you read this. I was familiar with one aspect of soccer thanks to a guy that used to host Sports Dawgs on WFHB. In any given season, 3 teams from the minors move up and 3 teams in the majors move down. That rewards success and punishes incompetence. In America, as we fight for parity, we punish successful teams with low draft picks and reward poor teams with high draft picks! Crazy, huh? Check it out.

The Capitalism of Soccer - Why Europe's favorite sport is more American than baseball. By Daniel?Gross

What an outstanding article this is. If you follow American sports, I recommend you read this. I was familiar with one aspect of soccer thanks to a guy that used to host Sports Dawgs on WFHB. In any given season, 3 teams from the minors move up and 3 teams in the majors move down. That rewards success and punishes incompetence. In America, as we fight for parity, we punish successful teams with low draft picks and reward poor teams with high draft picks! Crazy, huh? Check it out.


First and foremost, this guys ROCKS... on a violin no less!!

Random thoughts for the day... Have you noticed that with the "Regime change" in Iraq we are still activating troops like crazy? That must follow the same logic as the article in the paper that stated drug prices rose dramatically right around the time the "discount cards" were issued.

You know.. it's been said that the only thing to fear is fear itself... I think Republicans are trying to grab the title of fear itself!

Monday, June 28, 2004

Schmo Blog

What an interesting few days it's been. We just finished a visit with Paige's mother who left early to beat traffic on Sunday. I think our house might have just smelled a little ripe for her. Either that or I offended her. I know Paige reads this once in a while. Paigey- I love ya! I'm just sayin', that's all!!

In other news, part of my weekend was spent with some poor slob who is a DIE HARD 'publican. I mean HARD! Let me put it this way, when he linked to articles, "dumbass", he didn't realize he was proving my points because he didn't read the whole damn thing! I pointed this out to him in a more serious e-mail today. Will he respond? Who knows? I'm waiting with semi-baited breath. I don't expect him to, but he may surprise me. I don't want to name the site since I don't want to give him any extra publicity. If all 'publicans are like him, then apparantly evolution hasn't quite taken hold for all of us!!

In a completely unrelated thought, one of my favorite shows is Joe Shmo on SpikeTV. The link at the top goes to a blog kept by one of the producers. I thought it was pretty cool based on what little I read. Joe Shmo 2 is now on every Tuesday night. It's not quite as good as the first for a number of reasons. The actors aren't quite as good, and the Shmos don't have the same innocence as the first guy. Basically, for those unaware, there is a faux reality show setting with.. oh.. 10 "contestants". In fact, 8 of them are actors playing a li'l trick on the other two. Last year went very well, partly because of the Shmo they used. This may go well, but only time will tell. I don't want to talk it up too much in case it sucks balls.

Weather has been BEEEE YOOO TEE FUL! Man.. sunny and 70's.. I love it!!

Remember--- and this is an ACTUAL e-mail quote from a Bushie fan---

"Maybe someday you can pull your ass out of your head and get a job at one of those EVIL large companies.
Probably not.

Why don't you move to Bermuda, it's filled with lots of dumbasses like yourself... you will make lots of friends. "

You know.. it wasn't until just now I realized it says "Pull your ass out of your head.".. HA! Gotta love it.
Vote intelligent. Vote Kerry.