Schmo Blog
What an interesting few days it's been. We just finished a visit with Paige's mother who left early to beat traffic on Sunday. I think our house might have just smelled a little ripe for her. Either that or I offended her. I know Paige reads this once in a while. Paigey- I love ya! I'm just sayin', that's all!!
In other news, part of my weekend was spent with some poor slob who is a DIE HARD 'publican. I mean HARD! Let me put it this way, when he linked to articles, "dumbass", he didn't realize he was proving my points because he didn't read the whole damn thing! I pointed this out to him in a more serious e-mail today. Will he respond? Who knows? I'm waiting with semi-baited breath. I don't expect him to, but he may surprise me. I don't want to name the site since I don't want to give him any extra publicity. If all 'publicans are like him, then apparantly evolution hasn't quite taken hold for all of us!!
In a completely unrelated thought, one of my favorite shows is Joe Shmo on SpikeTV. The link at the top goes to a blog kept by one of the producers. I thought it was pretty cool based on what little I read. Joe Shmo 2 is now on every Tuesday night. It's not quite as good as the first for a number of reasons. The actors aren't quite as good, and the Shmos don't have the same innocence as the first guy. Basically, for those unaware, there is a faux reality show setting with.. oh.. 10 "contestants". In fact, 8 of them are actors playing a li'l trick on the other two. Last year went very well, partly because of the Shmo they used. This may go well, but only time will tell. I don't want to talk it up too much in case it sucks balls.
Weather has been BEEEE YOOO TEE FUL! Man.. sunny and 70's.. I love it!!
Remember--- and this is an ACTUAL e-mail quote from a Bushie fan---
"Maybe someday you can pull your ass out of your head and get a job at one of those EVIL large companies.
Probably not.
Why don't you move to Bermuda, it's filled with lots of dumbasses like yourself... you will make lots of friends. "
You know.. it wasn't until just now I realized it says "Pull your ass out of your head.".. HA! Gotta love it.
Vote intelligent. Vote Kerry.