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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Acid House Kings -- Sing Along With Acid House Kings

I must admit, I really don't know where to begin this review. There is normally some feature of a disc that screams to be called out first. Maybe the lyrics are particularly deep. Maybe the guitar wails. AHK aren't the sort of band who put out that sort of music. Sing Along With is filled with tunes that keep you company as you're cleaning the house or walking the dog. It's good for those times when you want music, but you don't really want to pay attention to it.
In short, the two words that come to mind are silly and fluffy. It's pretty smooth easygoing pop, but doesn't do a lot to distinguish itself. Based on the bands influence by Burt Bachrach and the like, the tunes evoke a bit of a 60's retro feel, more in some tracks than others. Do What You Wanna Do is one of those that has a bit more of an obvious retro vibe to it. I also consider it one of the better tracks.
There aren't really too many songs that stand out, and are all very similar, for the most part. There are several I thought would be appropriate as background music in a Scooby Doo chase scene. I'm not sure if that's intentional or not, but it should give a clue as to how much my mind wandered as I listened. It wandered mostly in the latter half, but that's more than enough.
All in all, it's not a BAD disc, but a fair one. I suppose this is one I can truly write off by simply saying it might be the hot diggity bomb for some folks, but not for me.
My final grade--- B-


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