Miguel Mendez -- My Girlfriend is Melting
I'm going to guess right off the bat that you have probably never heard of Miguel Mendez. Quite frankly, neither had I until I checked out this disc. When picking music to review, there are several criteria involved. Catchy name? Interesting disc title? Thoughtful track titles? And finally, I give it a quick listen at the station.
Naturally, I'm going to be attracted to a disc called "My Girlfriend is Melting". I had no idea what to expect going in. I tucked it into my computer and started up the first track. "Melancholy and Moody" I noted, along with "mostly guitar".
Those 4 words describe about 80% of this disc, but that's not necessarily bad. These songs are.... well... thoughtful. They are also solo. From what I can tell, Miguel probably did most of this himself, layering different tracks. Most consist of one or two guitar tracks, but we are occasionally treated to a piano, some tambourine, and the random maracas!
The entire disc is relatively simple, and quite transfixing to watch on Winamp.
Oddly enough, as steady and slow as the pace is, there are some tracks that slow it down even more, so don't count on this as a party disc. Think of this more as music to take in when you're lounging around without much to do.
While there are several tracks that I liked more than the rest, one in particular stands out, and that is Number Race. It's simple, hypnotic, and a bit repetitive, but in a Philip Glass sort of way.
Towards the end I found myself wondering how some of these songs would sound with either larger arrangements or backup singers. Maybe if Miguel finds some success, he'll try a few new things. Either way, I'd give him another listen
Final grade--- B
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