This ought to be an interesting post. I've been trying for a half hour to nap, and between dogs checking out every little sound and the phone ringing, it just hasn't happened.
Anyway, if you get a chance, tune in C-span one afternoon when they are broadcasting the British PM in a Q&A session. It is such a huge contrast to the staged "town halls" that dickweed holds as a rah rah session when he wants positive feedback on his agenda. Quite honestly, it even puts a legitimate town hall meeting to shame in that questions are not screened, and it is more of a wide open and candid forum. Tony Blair is often called to the carpet on various issues, but is able to answer the questions intelligently and coherently. No prepared script, no set answers. None of that stuff. It's really quite fascinating. I believe the elections in Britain are being held even as I type this. Assuming the voters over there have even a smidgen more common sense than us here in America, I don't see Tony Blair winning re-election. I believe he's probably done a lot of good for the country, but I think when he stepped into Iraq, he stepped into a huge steaming dog turd of a problem.
The difference between them and us... they know a dog turd when they see it.
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