Kyle Hollingsworth--Never Odd or Even
a brief review.
My reviews will actually be a bit out of order, but since I just finished this disc, I thought it would be a good place to start.
Kyle Hollingsworth is/was the keyboardist from The String Cheese Incident.I haven't heard many of their tunes, but from what I can remember, it was pretty good stuff. This disc, however, is fair to midland depending on your tastes. Most of the tunes are pretty laid back with a bluesy/jazzy feel to them. There are a few exceptions, but not enough for my taste. My favorite track was Boo Boo's Pik-a-nik. It had wonderful zest and flavor to it. Many of the other tracks sort of sounded like he was going through the motions. Most of it is nothing you haven't heard before. That's why I can't put this in the "bad" category. For some, it will probably be a good listen. For my tastes, I'll pick a tune or two and leave the rest. -----------overall, B
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