Our new mission. To have fun with old ads, and look at America in years past.


Friday, April 15, 2005

Gina writes again!


So Gina is this crazy longtime friend of mine who I met online AGES ago. It seems like ages anyway.

To be clear, I mean the time is crazy, not the girl.


So anyway, and I am hoping she reads this, I used to chat with her once in a blue moon. She was great!

I like to think that through the course of my life I have met just the right person at just the right time, thereby proving that life is no accident, although it is still a bit of a cosmic joke on all of us. She is on my extraordinarily short list of people who fall into that category.

In the hopes that she IS actually reading this, a quick THANK YOU G must be said. She rocks. Check out her blog, but bring a drink. The girl can type.

I actually have some copies of some pieces she was writing but have never received permission to share them, so they sit in a folder for my eyes only.

Sorry. The ADD seems to be kicking in.

Anyway, She's one of those cool people who I have gotten to know online (as much as you can, I suppose) and haven't heard from in a long time. Such is the side effect of technology, I suppose. You meet people in this cyber realm and move on as life grabs you and pulls you kicking and screaming into your next adventure. Friends come and go, but I like to remind people that when I'm your friend, I'm your friend for life. Deal with it.


Blogger Adam said...

Was it Rob Brezny's website? I left a rather odd thought that you commented on, and it just snowballed from there, I believe! A better snowball there never was!

11:27 AM

Blogger Adam said...

Oh, crimony. You would ask me to remember it! You always had a better recollection of the post than I did! I can't remember the forum.. it had something to do with telling a lie or something.. I think I said something to the effect of "This is your lord god and I'm going to send Penguins over Pittsburgh" or something like that.
And when were you ever a snob? Discuss.

3:58 PM


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