The Scotland Yard Gospel Choir
i bet you say that to all the boys
Now there's an intro that's more than a mouthful! It's also the title of my latest review. the SYGC have a self titled self released disc that is a wonderfully pleasant amalgam of sounds. From a raw, gutteral male vocal early on to the rock pop sound they pull up later on the disc, there are very few bases left uncovered. I term the overall sound "mellow pop" for lack of a better term. Think of brit pop without the brit. Got it? Good.
What made this such a pleasant change of pace for me is the fact that the lyrics actually seem to mean something. These seem like a bunch that has lived a colorful life and has a story to tell, some of which has made it to this disc. It's a great listen, and great tempos to keep you going if you are out and about. While one or two of the tracks slow down, most of them are up tempo and well worth a listen. A all the way, baby!
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